The ABC’s of Legendary Stakes! If we don’t have the answer here, please send us a message so we can answer your question directly and then post an answer here for future traffic.
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Stallion Owner
Do I need to pay an annual subscription to keep my stallion and his offspring eligible for the Legendary Stakes, like with other stallion incentives?
NO. There is a one-time enrollment fee and there is a one-time discipline fee for each discipline that the stallion owner chooses to allow the offspring to compete in. Once the stallion is enrolled, he is eligible for life. Once a discipline is unlocked, the offspring are eligible to compete at those events, for life.
Once I have enrolled my stallion into the Legendary Stakes, do I owe any annual to keep his offspring eligible in the Legendary Stakes?
NO ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION. Once a stallion is enrolled in the Legendary Stakes, that stallion and all past, present, and future offspring are eligible to compete in the Legendary Stakes for life.
Do I have to unlock all of the disciplines?
NO. Each stallion owner has the ability to pick and choose, which disciplines they want to unlock for their stallion’s offspring to compete in. Once the discipline is unlocked, the offspring are eligible to compete at any event inside that discipline, for life.
Once my stallion is enrolled in the Legendary Stakes, what are the costs for offspring to be eligible to compete each year?
NO NOMINATION FEES. Once the stallion is enrolled in the Legendary Stakes, the stallion owner has the ability to unlock as many disciplines as they choose. Once a discipline is unlocked, the offspring are then eligible to compete at any of the events in that discipline, for life.
How do I receive Legendary Royalties?
LEGENDARY ROYALTIES. When an offspring enters an event as the performer a Legendary Royalty will be paid to the stallion owner. The stallion owner will also receive Legendary Royalty payments associated to each of the following add-on entries: the rider, the dam owner, and the breeder, if they enter the event. In order to receive Legendary Royalties, the stallion owner must have an actively subscribed Legendary Account to be eligible for royalty payments.
What is considered a performer in the Legendary Stakes?
A PERFORMER is any offspring by a stallion enrolled in the Legendary Stakes, that enters and competes at an event in the Legendary Stakes.