Legendary Stakes events can be complex, so in the below video, we break down how an event works with a real life example.
In each division, offspring earn points for entry and attendance, regardless of their performance. The points accumulate to determine purse distribution. In each division, offspring compete for the Top Offspring purse, based on the sire. If only one offspring enters the division, they automatically claim the Top Offspring purse. Purses are determined by placement, with the Best of the Best purse going to the highest-placing offspring across all Legendary competitors in the division.
Legendary Stakes also applies the same rules across all divisions, so no matter your entry, if you’re the only one or among others, your placement determines which purses you’ll claim. At the end of each event, the total points and purse breakdown will be displayed for all competitors.
With Legendary Stakes, placement is key, not score. Purses for each category are also tied to the offspring’s performance. Keep attending events, competing in divisions, and climbing the Leaderboards. With Legendary Stakes, the sky’s the limit!